Today the guild had a meet up in Kharanos for a major guild event. Dwarves came from all over and started showing up at least an hour before event time. Group leaders wasted no time splitting up into groups and passing out thousands of fireworks. There were hundreds of level 50 and below Dwarf Hunters. The exception was our fearless leader Frostheim and a fantastic Droody Bear named Ogham. I can not count the number of Dwarves who would love to tame him for a pet, but I digress .
After we all got our assignments, we headed for Ironforge to speak with the King. As we were speaking with the king, elementals showed up and we proceeded to lay down some Dwarven hurt. We made quick work of them and were then summoned to Mulgore by some very helpful Warlocks. Our next assignment, given to us by the King himself, was to take care of the moo-cow in charge of Thunderbluff. The biggest problem we ran into was crashing the server, but once we all came back online we made quick work of her (Sorry, Strongtotem...mooo). Thanks again go out to Frostheim and Ogham. It was a very fun time. Group 5 got the kill, a big grats goes out the those rascals.
After a battle at the graveyard, we hearthed to Thelsamar and visited the dam.
We drank, shot off fireworks and took our bi-monthly washing. Dwarves really know how to live it up.
Thank you much to all who participated. A great time was had by all.
For the WHU !!!!
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