This is a site I made to make your travels more enjoyable. After answering the same questions over an over, I felt it would be much easier just to point people here. If there is something you would like to see on here, that you feel others would find beneficial, please let me know.
1. Many people are willing to help, but most players do not like helping others who are unwilling to help themselves. Looking for a certain trainer etc? Ask a guard in any major city.
2. Do not ask questions by yelling.
3. Do not ask for gold.
4. Do not spam channels, this means any channel on the game.
5. Do not open trade windows with people you do not ask first.
6. Do not invite people to group without first asking.
7. Do not expect to know what is going on in the game for quite some time, there is way too much to know.
8. Being polite gets you a long way with many people. Being appreciative and saying "thank you" could pay off if you need help from that person again at a later date.
I also recommend this as your homepage, type in 'world of warcraft' in the 'exact phrase' box and then type in whatever you are looking for in the top box. This way you have many choices. Wowhead links are my favorites for most things.